This report, issued by the Quality General Sub-directorate and Industrial Safety, has been prepared to clarify doubts and facilitate compliance with the applicable regulations for the Royal Decree 163/2019 implementation, of March 22, approving the Technical Instruction for the concretes production control manufactured in the central (ITCPH-19), and its integration with Royal Decree 1247/2008, of July 18, approving the structural concrete instruction (EHE-08) (*).
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At OAK we have prepared a summary table with the most important clarifications of the version 1 report (08/30/2021), mainly to clarify and explain the principal guidelines that the Plants FPCS (Factory Production Control System) R.D. 163/19 should have, and the performance criteria of the authorized control bodies to carry out evaluation tasks.
(*) EHE-08, currently repealed (with effect from November 10, 2021) by the Structural Code (Royal Decree 470/2021).
Details and considerations of the Report of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism v.1 (30/08/2021) regarding each of the aspects of the ITCPH-19
Currently, OAK keeps working in this area, establishing guidelines and requirements that the Technical Instruction requires. According to the main control bodies (AENOR, Applus, Bureau Veritas, OCA, …) is working in different plants, designing, and establishing its concrete Factory Production Control System
Consult the document published through the following link: