Materials from the recovery of construction or demolition waste that do not meet the requirements established in these regulations will be considered for all purposes as waste.
(BOCYL) 2023/06/12.- On May 28, Decree 5/2023, of May 4, came into force, regulating the production and sustainable management of construction and demolition waste in Castilla y León.
Decree 5/2023 complements the regional, national and European provisions on the matter, regulating aspects such as:
Decree 5/2023 establishes the following minimum percentages, with respect to the use of recycled aggregate in works promoted by the Administration of Castilla León (table on the right):
With respect to the limit values of the environmental parameters required for recycled aggregates, the decree of the Junta de Castilla y León, in its annex II, establishes the technical requirements (ex. CE marking) that the materials must comply with, the leaching to be carried out, the content of organic substances soluble in organic solvents, the content of improper materials, as well as the testing and sampling methods.
Decree 5/2023 of the Ministry of the Environment establishes that materials that do not meet the requirements established in annex II will be considered, for all purposes, as waste (LER codes 191 09 or 191212).
The Decree of the Junta de Castilla y León environmentally validates the use of recycled aggregates used in bound applications (those in which a binding element is used together with the aggregate for its correct functional performance), without the need to verify compliance with the limit values of environmental parameters indicated in tables 1, 2 and 3 of annex II.
We produce recycled aggregates in Castilla y León. Does this change affect us?
In a direct way. In addition to the requirements regarding the CE Marking, the Factory Production Control System should be reviewed including the new requirements established in Decree 5/2023 of the Junta de Castilla y León.
Depending on the use of the material, the recycled aggregates, to have the CE marking of the aggregate must comply with technical standards. The main ones are:
Aggregates for granular layers and layers treated with hydraulic binders for use in structural layers of road surfaces UNE-EN 13242:2003+A1:2008 (EN 13242:2002+A1:2007),
Aggregates for concrete UNE-EN 12620:2003+A1:2009 (EN 12620:2002+A1:2008),
Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads, airports and other paved areas UNE-EN 13043:2003 and UNE-EN 13043/AC:2004 (EN 13043:2002 and EN 13043:2002/AC:2004),
The technical standards for the CE Marking already contemplate these requirements. When required and in case of doubt, the documentation required for the CE Marking must ensure compliance with the legislation on dangerous substances.
We provide solutions
OAK works in the field of recycled aggregates together with the main companies in the sector, establishing the guidelines and requirements required by the CE Marking of these products.
Since 2004, all aggregates marketed in Europe for use in construction products must have the mandatory CE marking. The Conformity Assessment System is 2+ (Regulation (EU) 305/2011 for construction products).
Decree 5/2023 of the Junta de Castilla y León can be consulted through the following link.