EFQM Excellence Model 2020

The EFQM Model is a benchmark for all organisations that want to advance in innovation and improvement.      

Since it was created in 1992, is the natural way for all those companies that want to grow beyond ISO 9000.

modelo efqm excelencia 2020 mas alla de la norma iso 9000

The EFQM 2020 Model represents a significant evolution over the EFQM 2013 Model. The main changes that can be highlighted are the following:

  • New RADAR matrix, distributed in 3 modules: direction, execution and results,
  • The nine criteria are reduced to seven,
  • The sub-criteria are also reduced from 32 to 23,
  • Change of the scoring system. Criterion 4 “Create sustainable value” scores with a total of 200 points (50 points each sub-criterion). The rest of the criteria of the “Execution” block (3 and 5) and the criteria of the “Direction” block (criteria 1 and 2) score 100 points each (20 points each sub-criterion).

In the results block, the score is made at the criterion level, the 400 points being distributed equally between criterion 6 “perception of stakeholders” and criterion 7 “strategic and operational performance”.

Structure of the EFQM Model 2020

It is structured in three blocks and seven criteria:

1.- Direction

  • Criterion 1: Purpose, Vision & Strategy
  • Criterion 2: Organisational Culture & Leadership


  • Criterion 3: Engaging Stakeholders
  • Criterion 4: Creating Sustainable Value
  • Criterion 5: Driving Performance & Transformation

3.- Results

  • Criterion 6: Stakeholder Perceptions
  • Criterion 7: Strategic & Operational Performance
EFQM Diagnostic Tool: RADAR

The RADAR tool states that every organisation needs:

  • Determine the Results it is aiming to achieve as part of its strategy.
  • Have in place a number of Approaches that will deliver the required results, both now and in the future.
  • Deploy these approaches appropriately.
  • Assess and Refine the deployed approaches to learn and improve.


Modelo EFQM Excelencia 2020



The analysis of the “Direction” block is done according to the following elements and attributes:

  • Solidly grounded approaches,
  • Deployment Implanted,
  • Evaluation, review and improvement, analysed and understood and assimilated and improved.

The analysis of the “Execution” block is done according to the following elements and attributes:

  • Strongly grounded and aligned approaches,
  • Deployment implanted and flexible,
  • Evaluation, review and improvement, analysed and understood and assimilated and improved.

The analysis of the “Results” block is done according to the following elements and attributes:

  • Relevance and usefulness, relevant and useful,
  • Performance, with trends, objectives, compared and predictive.
We provide solutions

Unlike other frameworks, such as ISO 9001, the EFQM Model proposes a non-prescriptive or normative framework, which is summarised in the following sentence: “The excellent results of an organisation, in the ambit of its clients, people and the society, are achieved through a coherent leadership, and they will become a reality through people, alliances and resources, and processes”.

Our consulting services within the scope of the EFQM Model reach the following aspects:

  • Planning the self-assessment
  • External Diagnosis
  • EFQM Recognitions: “Levels of Excellence” and the European Seals of Excellence
  • Preparation for the EFQM -European Quality Award-
  • Institutional Awards for Excellence: National Award of Excellence, Aragon, La Rioja
  • EFQM Six Sigma

We are independent of all accreditation bodies, and all of they recognise our technical and professional prestige. Our projects exceed the highest demands. The company will, of course, select the Certification Entity, but it has the guarantee of the professionalism of our services.

This solution is aimed at

Organisations of any field, especially the health and educational sector, both private and public.

What our customers get

With the self-evaluation, we can obtain an excellent diagnosis of the organisation, carried out with the intervention of all interest groups and which includes the strengths as well as the notable aspects of improvement.

Satisfied customers

The 2020 Excellence Model is compatible with any standard in the field of product or organisation standardisation, sustainability, health and safety or governance, risk and compliance.
Segell d'Excel·lència 300+ EFQM SBOPBiPO (Fuente: Diputació de Barcelona)
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