The manufacturer must implement Directive 2014/68 / EU (RD 709/2015), it is an obligation but also is a guarantee for the free marketing of its products in the EU.
The European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) covers the design, manufacture and conformity assessment of pressure equipment subjected to a maximum allowable pressure PS greater than 0.5 bar. Depending on the risk presented by the equipment (categories), different procedures (modules) are established to apply the CE marking.
For each category, the manufacturer has the possibility to choose between several modules that can range from self-declaration by the manufacturer, to full verification of the design and manufacture by a notified body.
Our function as a consulting company specialised in CE Marking, is the analysis of the company and the requirements that the client wants to prove, and the determination of the current regulations and the conditions that the products must meet.
In a CE Marking project for pressure equipment, it is essential to determine and evaluate the type tests required by the equipment.
Another vital phase of a project of these characteristics is the preparation of technical files with which all aspects of the product must be accredited: description and specifications, information, safety and performance requirements, design and manufacture, benefits and risks, verification and product validation.
Our mission is to do the entire project for CE Marking of Pressure Equipment easy; always bearing in mind that simplicity can be closely linked to deep and experienced work.
Manufacturers of any pressure equipment (regardless of its classification according to Directive 2014/68 / EU).
CE Marking Directive 2014/68 / UE