UNE 166002:2014 R&D&i management

Research and development, as well as technological innovation, are sometimes seen as unique, creative and unstructured processes. However, the standardisation techniques used for other activities (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001...) are equally applicable to R&D&I management systems through the establishment of UNE 166002.    

UNE 166002 “R&D&i management: Requirements for R&D&i projects” has this purpose:

  • Providing guidelines that enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of a management system.
  • Training organisations to recognise emerging technologies or new technologies not applied in their sector, whose assimilation and development will enhance their R&D&i activities.

It applies to all organisations (of any type or size) that, after making a previous diagnosis of their R&D&I situation, seek:

  • Establish the bases to start in R&D&I activities.
  • Define, implement, keep up to date and improve an R&D&I management system following its policy.
  • Demonstrate to third parties that they comply with this standard’s requirements and/or certify the R&D&I management system.

Companies with R+D+i Management Systems

  • They promote technological development and research in the organisation.
  • They have guidelines to organise and manage R&D&i activities effectively and efficiently.
  • They generate and ensure the maintenance of their technologies and patents. Companies can obtein additional benefits for technology transfer or tax relief.
  • They differentiate themselves from the competition by enhancing their corporate reputation.
  • They plan, organise, and control their R&D&I projects to save resources and achieve employees’ motivation and involvement.
  • They can integrate their R&D&I systems with other company management systems.
This solution is aimed at

Any organisation, regardless of its sector and size. UNE 166002 can also be used as a purchase specification in contracting with third parties.

What our customers get

UNE 166002 certificates issued by a certification body (Aenor, EQA, OCA global, Lloyds Register, among others).

UNE 166002 "R&D&i management: Requirements for R&D&i projects" is compatible with other existing management systems in the organisation.
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